Gaize is a Cutting Edge Impairment Test Based on the DRE Eye Tests

Objective impairment detection technology with video evidence.

Fully automated Drug Recognition Expert Eye Tests

Gaize is the future of safe driving enforcement.

  • Equal Tracking

  • Lack of Smooth Pursuit

  • Distinct and Sustained Nystagmus at Maximum Deviation

  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus with Onset Before 45 Degrees

  • Vertical Gaze Nystagmus

  • Lack of Convergence

  • Pupillary Rebound Dilation with All Three Light Levels (Room Light, Full Darkness, Direct Light)

Pupil diameter is measured to .01 millimeters, gaze angle is measured to 0.1 degrees.
Data is captured at 90 hz per eye.

Establish Probable Cause

Think of it as a PBT for marijuana and other drugs.

Take the guesswork out of probable cause in cannabis impaired driving investigations. A simple, quick evaluation using Gaize, and you’ll know conclusively if the driver is impaired.

Capture Video Evidence

Clear, actionable video of how the eyes are moving in response to an automated Drug Recognition Expert eye exam.

When you need to prosecute someone for impaired driving, the lack of evidence generated by the DRE process can really set you back. Gaize solves this with video recorded just an inch from the eyes.

Our Vision for the Future:

We’re rapidly working on the ability to determine substance of impairment. These capabilities will be provided to our customers via over the air updates. Your Gaize headset will get better and better over time.

Automated Drug Impairment Detection:

We’ve built a fully automated Drug Recognition Expert eye test that captures video evidence of eye movement. The device also analyzes the results of these tests using machine learning models to detect signs of impairment.

We can currently detect:

  • Results for Each Test (ex. Nystagmus Present or not present)

  • Non-compliance from Test Subjects

  • Unequal Pupil Size

Video Evidence from Automatic Drug Recognition Expert Eye Tests

Gaize automatically runs the same tests your Drug Recognition Expert officers do, all in a virtual reality headset and exactly according to the training manual. The output is irrefutable video evidence of impairment.

Test results are stored in encrypted cloud storage

We’re not here to nickel and dime you for extra things. Training is included for unlimited officers and support staff for free, and takes about 1.5 hours to complete. Digital certificates of completion are awarded at the end. In-person training is also available.

Free digital training with certificates of completion

All test data is stored on redundant cloud servers with government level encryption and daily backups. Your results are available for viewing or download with no restrictions. Data is encrypted at rest and in transit.

Get Gaize for your Department

The future is more affordable than you think.

Gaize is priced fairly so cost won’t stand between you and a safer community. Get in touch today to be a leader in deploying the latest technology for DUI and DUI-D prevention.